Wednesday, May 4, 2011

John Bull

John Bull
Jewellers & Silversmiths
47 & 49 High Street Bedford
Established 1825

Photograph provided by Richard Stoodley

When John Bull died in 1870 his two sons decided to pull down the original premises and build the elaborate premises oat 49 High Street, Bedford. The building featured a large projected clock which was adorned by a golden bull. The original bull is now in the museum collection. However, it was such a popular site on Bedford High Street that a fibre-glass replica was built, and can still be seen today.

Here is our Keeper of Social History, Lydia Saul talking about John Bull.

Here is an interview with Richard Stoodley who's father began as apprentice at John Bull in the 1920's and became manager during the 1930's.

Richard describes how his father used to collect the water the gold was washed in and give this to the people of Bedford who believed it had healing properties.

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